Wednesday, March 30, 2011


i'm feeling quite philosophical today (seeing as though i am 7 months old).  so today's post will be deep.  prepare yourself.  there are always signs when things change.  the leaves fall off the trees telling us the winter is on it's way.  the buds pop up giving us hope that those heavy winter fleece jumpsuits can be packed away and those sweet little sundresses dusted off. 

here are some signs that i am growing up.

daddy stands me up in my crib and i don't fall over......for a really long time
(if you know my daddy and his camera skills you would know that it took him a WHILE to get a picture of this quality).

i used to just eat the books

now i read them

i can no longer be bothered with functional apparel, such as fleece jumpsuits

my energy now, is on accessories

Thursday, March 24, 2011

busting a gut

i've been working on a post that involves some deeper though and i want to get my words just right.  until then..........

Thursday, March 17, 2011

how can you tell

when one is too big for the bathing in the sink?

when your leg hangs over not only the side of the baby bath,
but the edge of the sink too

Monday, March 7, 2011

it's that time

yes, ladies and is that time.  after 183 days i weigh 16lbs 8oz.  measure 27inches...that means it's time.   bring on the solid stuff.

at first i was unsure what to make of this 'oatmeal'

then, i simply struggled to keep it in my mouth

the jury is back though, and the oatmeal is a keeper.

whatcha got next for me?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

you've got a friend

mom keeps running around the house mumbling something about a 'small business'.  anyone care to fill a little girl in on what a 'small business' is?  she zooms around the house with a binder and about a million swatches of fabric in her hands.  don't get me wrong, i love moving around the house at crazy fast speeds.  and, when she puts me down for my nap, it's the sweet hum of the sewing machine that helps me drift into dreamland.  but, when i am awake, she puts me on the floor next to the sewing macine and tells me to play with my friends.  here's how i sometimes spend my waking hours.

everyone, meet my current besties, mr. monkey and hip-hop-opotomous
 mr. monkey and hip-hop-opotomous meet everybody

i'm gonna get the hang of this crawling thing real soon.  and then, watch out mom!