Tuesday, November 30, 2010

just can't get away

from mom's camera.  she keeps saying she's just using me to learn more about her camera before she makes the jump into the real world of photography.  Seriously though......how long does a baby have to sit nakes under those really bright lights?  I got her back though........i peed on the black velvet!

 what's a girl gotta do to get a blanket around here?

I'm so over this already

are we done yet?

shortly after this shot, mom went to work on picking that skin off

if I don't make eye contct do you think she'll know it was my that peed the velvet?

Dear Francie Pants,
Not even when you can actually run, will you ever escape my camera, so get used to it.  You have the sweetest littel face and I intend on capturing every moment that it gets sweeter.

Love, Mom

p.s. I know it was you who peed the velvet....you're a bad liar

Friday, November 26, 2010


these are comfortable sleeping positions....

Friday, November 19, 2010


after all the hoopla surrounding my arrival, I got some quiet time with mom (once she came down off all those drugs she was hopped up on--like she couldn't even lift her arms to hold me they were so strong!)  Smack dab in the middle of our snuggle her phone beeps. What does she do?  You guessed it, she interrupts our quiet time and picks it up.  She starts laughing and then gives me my first nickname.....Francy Pants.  The credit does not belong to her though.  That phone beep was actually a text message from aunt Megan.  it read,
Kyle just looked at me and smiled and said, "I already know what I am going to call her.  Francy Pants"
And just like that I got my first nickname.  Thanks uncle Kyle


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

it only took 32 hours....

It only took 32 hours for me to arrive (I was like my mom before I ever let out my first cry!), but at 4:00pm on August 23rd I made my debut.  Weighing in at 6lbs 14oz and 20 1/4 inches long I overheard the nurses say I was perfect (was there any doubt?).  If you don't believe me take a look at my first official photo.

The staff in the operating room looked at my parents all funny when they said my name was Ford Frances Sullivan.  No, I was not conceived in the back of a Ford and, no, my borthers and sisters will not be named Chevy and Mercedes.  Ford is my dad's mom's maiden name and Frances was her first name.  CooCoo Nana says it sounds like a Red Carpet name....maybe one day...
If you look past the squishiness and barely open eyes, can you tell who I look like?

Four days in the hospital gave my mom a lot of time to take photos of me....

I did a whole lot of sleeping those first few days (felt kinda bad about the 32 hour thing so I gave mom some time to rest). 
My first official smile (I probably just dirtied my diaper)

Lots of people came to see me

Aunt Megan

Aunt Ellen (that chick kissed me like a million times)

Uncle Kyle

Aunt Teri (kinda convenient that she's my pediatrician too!)

Mainly I did lots of snuggling with mom and dad

I'm exhausted just rememberig those first days.  I'm gonna go get some milkies and have a little nap before I continue bringing everyone up to speed.......