Tuesday, February 22, 2011

riddle me this

what do you get when you cross a 5 month old baby and a hand full of paint to make a birthday banner?
(the blue are foot prints and the red were supposed to be hand prints)
a baby that looks like she was in Children of the Corn 
way to go mommy

happy birthday daddy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

happy wednesday

i've been found out...a simple game of grab hold of the rings on the playmat and mom found me out...it didn't take much, just a little graze of her hand on my love handle as she moved me closer to the rings and i giggled like i have never giggled before...she knows my ticklish spot...how do i get around this?

mom cannot stop laughing as she watches...if she thinks it's funny i know my peeps will....have a look/listen

happy wednesday

Monday, February 14, 2011

purely an accident

i swear i didn't know....the bag just appeared one day...nothing was said about who it was for...how was i supposed to know that what was inside would satisfy mommy's sweet tooth for days?  i was just being the curious little button that the p's already know i am....

I wasn't touching anything
i swear

 what happened to mommy's chocolate?
i plead the 5th 

i had nothing to do with the missing chocolate
scout's honor

between you and me, it was daddy's fault for leaving it within my reach anyway

happy valentine's day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

gettin' old

guess what i've got already?  i'll give you some hints: they are helpful when eating, there is a fairy that will leave money when i lose them and they would hurt mommy if she was still breastfeeding.  have you figured it out?

ya....that's right...i've got a tooth!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear Ford Frances,
You are so alert that your father and I knew you would hear us when we said the s word.  Now that we clearly have your attention...listen up-you are just over 5 months and sleeping for nice long chunks at night (for which mommy is very appreciative).  You have been on the Ford Frances schedule up to this point, and now it is time to switch to the universal sleep schedule for babies your age.  What does this mean?  It means increasingly longer periods of time spent awake---yes that means play time.  It means longer periods of sleep because you are actually tired.  And most of all, it means SANITY for mommy.  You will not win this battle----no matter how long or loud you scream when we put you down (oddly enough, you are so tired you don't even scream--just roll over and snuggle with the bumper).  You will become increasingly familiar with the following phrase, "You have 2 choices".  Your 2 choices here are 1. Get with the program or 2. Get with the program.  Which will it be?

And as for the swaddle, your complanint has been registered.  But, mommy snuck into your room the other day just 1 minute after putting you down and this is what she found.

 I don't want to hear any more whining about the swaddle---clearly you enjoy having your arms available while you sleep.


p.s. take note of mommy's detective work.....it only get's better as you get older.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the s word

so they said it....the s word.  it's been thrown around our house like nothing these past few days.  something about 5 months...she's ready....if we don't start now it will only be harder later.   don't they know i can hear them?  i don't understand.  i'm a pretty good kid.  i'm working on keeping my screaming at bay.  i laugh a whole lot.  i even roll over.  so why the s word?   i hear things like 7 and 9 and 1 and maybe 4 and then 6.  

seriously though...with a face like this

who needs a schedule?

on top of the schedule talk....there's rumblings about ditching the swaddle.....blasphemy i tell you!