Tuesday, November 30, 2010

just can't get away

from mom's camera.  she keeps saying she's just using me to learn more about her camera before she makes the jump into the real world of photography.  Seriously though......how long does a baby have to sit nakes under those really bright lights?  I got her back though........i peed on the black velvet!

 what's a girl gotta do to get a blanket around here?

I'm so over this already

are we done yet?

shortly after this shot, mom went to work on picking that skin off

if I don't make eye contct do you think she'll know it was my that peed the velvet?

Dear Francie Pants,
Not even when you can actually run, will you ever escape my camera, so get used to it.  You have the sweetest littel face and I intend on capturing every moment that it gets sweeter.

Love, Mom

p.s. I know it was you who peed the velvet....you're a bad liar


  1. dear pants,
    apparently you CAN do tummy time.
    all this time you have been trying to fool me.
    alas, i have discovered your deceit.
    we will resume our tummy practice on monday and work that flatness out of you in no time!
    auntie meg

  2. p.s.
    did i mention you are the CUTEST?!?!?!

  3. My Sweet/Beautiful/Best Girl Francy, you better get use to not being able to fool those McCue women, their motto is "been there done that". But it's coo coo that will believe every word that comes out of your perfect lips
